Red Sister by Mark Lawrence

It is important, when taking a novice into the Convent of Sweet Mercy, to do a full background check first. Or at least that should’ve been the case for Nona Grey, who is saved from the hangman’s noose by Abbess Glass to kick off Mark Lawrence’s latest, Red Sister, first Book of the Ancestor. At the Convent…

The Liar’s Key by Mark Lawrence

After the ghastly events at the end of Prince of Fools, Jalan and Snorri are locked in the northern town of Trond by the icy grip of the Norse winter. As spring rolls around, Snorri, equipped with Loki’s key, is hell-bent on finding the door to hell itself, regardless of what lies between him and it or…

Looking to 2015

Many times the anticipated and best-of lists are tediously similar (but usually for good reason). I’m not going to list things like The Doors of Stone or The Winds of Winter because they’re simply not coming out this year. I attempted to avoid some of the repetitive tedium, but as I said, the works wouldn’t be anticipated…

2014 in Review

My sophomore year in blogging was an interesting one. At the tail end of last year, I ran into a wall that took me a fair while to climb over. I kept reading, albeit at a slower pace, but I struggled to piece together reviews for the books I read and my blog stagnated. Interning…

Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence

Honorous Jorg Ancr…wait…this isn’t about Jorg. Immediately upon the reveal of the title Prince of Fools, comparisons were drawn between it and Mark Lawrence’s debut, Prince of Thorns. Doubts were cast as to whether Lawrence could write a non-Jorg character or not. Both of them have prince in the title and both feature an eponymous young…