Couple things. First, earlier today, I was interviewed by S.C. Flynn over on his blog as part of his big blogger interview project, check it out! He’s interviewed a bunch of people so far and they’re all well worth reading. Second, I’m renewing my search to try to get a logo for the blog on…
Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Hic sunt leones. When I finished Pierce Brown’s debut Red Rising last year, apart from being stunned by how good it was, I sat still and contemplated how it was labeled as a young adult book. YA is one of those genres that has never worked for me, right there alongside urban fantasy. Red Rising had the…
Looking to 2015
Many times the anticipated and best-of lists are tediously similar (but usually for good reason). I’m not going to list things like The Doors of Stone or The Winds of Winter because they’re simply not coming out this year. I attempted to avoid some of the repetitive tedium, but as I said, the works wouldn’t be anticipated…
2014 in Review
My sophomore year in blogging was an interesting one. At the tail end of last year, I ran into a wall that took me a fair while to climb over. I kept reading, albeit at a slower pace, but I struggled to piece together reviews for the books I read and my blog stagnated. Interning…
Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley
Don John of Austria is going to the war. Sudden and still—hurrah! Bolt from Iberia! Don John of Austria Is gone by Alcalar. The centuries-long conflict between East and West, Muslim and Christian, comes to a head in the Sixteenth century Mediterranean Sea. Crowley details the fascinating rivalry between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and…